BioSinhron group therapy represents a form of informal exercise in a group of 6 individuals which can can be led by an instructor, but doesn’t have to be. This two approaches are very effective for users of care institutions but also for employees of that kind of institutions (retirement homes for example) who have a quite number of people to attend to.

BioSinhron group therapy is useful because:

• it enhances pleasure of living in an institution,

• gives a feeling of belonging and equality,

• enables cooperation and mutual meeting and understanding,

• gives unselfish help with activities,

• enables mutual learning of new concepts which connects them,

• actively fills free time,

• reduces loneliness,

• returns feelings of acceptance,

• gradually connects people who were distanced,

• represents a program for quality aging.


BioSinhron group therapy trial at Preddvor retirement home

Employee experience

BioSinhron group therapy is a positive news in our Home. Our users have accepted it very quickly and easily. After just a few days they have started to talk about positive effects and have shown positive motivation and quality of group dynamic increased. I can say that the new therapy is very useful and I believe our users will continue using it in the future.

Andreja Valant
Executive director of DSO Preddvor


BioSinhron therapy which we perform in groups has a deep impact on whole atmosphere in our Home between employees and people who are living here and it represents a form of social gathering and fun. Since August 2011 when we started BioSinhron therapy we have noticed positive effects on everyone who is using it.

Eva Dobrin
Project manager at DSO Preddvor

User experience

My legs don’t hurt that much anymore and I walk easier. Two weeks ago a wound appeared on my leg above ankle, After three days the wound healed and I believe that this device helped me, especially now that the wound has not appeared since.



I had terrible car accidents and extreme surgeries. I could easily say I was put back together. Before BioSinhron therapy I had pain all over my body, legs and I had walking difficulties. Now my walking is easier and I feel more secure. My feet are cooperating again and I lost that tingling feeling in my left foot. My feet are also warmer.



Veins on my legs have disappeared quickly, in one week. I also sleep better now. After using Simag pain in my right shoulder disappeared and my left leg feels better too. My legs used to hurt so much I would have to lie down, that doesn’t happen anymore. I feel warmth on the body parts where I use Simag on. Truly unbelievable, I am very pleased.



My feet were numb, almost as dead, so my walking was very insecure. I am happy that after one week of BioSinhron therapy, when my foot slipped off the pedal I felt that and was able to put it back on the pedal by myself. I realized that was the first effect of the therapy, that my feet are coming back to life. I use Simag regularly on my right arm and my shoulder doesn’t hurt anymore. First I was highly skeptical, but now I believe. My walk is more secure and I feel more stable. My toes were dead, and now I can feel them again. I couldn’t believe it could be real.



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